Status unknown
Two deep holes in grass verge between footpath and exterior wall of Catherine Court Assisted Living block of flats.i
Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 15:05, Sun 6 September 2020
Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2281003.
Two large holes, each deep and wide enough to trap and break an unwary walker's leg. Hidden by overgrown grass. Some weeks ago they were protected by temporary plastic fencing, but that was removed by Council employees even though the holes remain in situ and dangerous. The elderly folk from the Catherine Court McCarthy & Stone block of flats are particularly at risk as they walk from their flats to the adjacent Co-op shop. Why was the fencing removed without filling in the holes.?
In fact there are five deep and dangerous holes along the pavement between the small Co-op and the Sopwith Road junction with Leigh Road. The two holes nearest to the Co-op now have white arrows on the pavement pointing at them. The other three holes have nothing to identify their position - until someone breaks a leg or a mobility scooter wheel. All five holes are dangerous to unwary pedestrians.
Posted anonymously at 16:24, Mon 5 October 2020
Still open, via questionnaire -
Still open, via questionnaire, 17:21, Mon 2 November 2020
I helped an old lady whose motor scooter had one wheel stuck in one of the holes. She didn’t want to give her name or pursue the matter. But these holes are dangerous and hidden by overgrown grass.
Posted anonymously at 17:25, Mon 2 November 2020
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