Status unknown
Large potholes have reappeared what appears to be at least 12 inches and because of location difficult to avoid.
Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 18:09, Fri 28 August 2020
Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2268699.
Large potholes have reappeared as well as previously reported which have not been repaired and as this is a re-occurrence following a fairly recent repair seems to indicate that the contractors are inept at road maintenance. The whole section needs digging up and then resurfacing.
Whilst the potholes have been fixed the atrocious road surface has not and is still causing problems for vehicles going over this area.
Posted anonymously at 18:33, Sat 26 September 2020
Terrible waste of public funds. Council need to check the job is done properly so that it doesn’t need repeating 4/5 maybe more times in the same place. This should be fixed, not ongoing. How can councils keep throwing money at poor repair jobs. Is the work checked ?? Get the jobs done properly. It shows that these shoddy repairs are a poor return for whatever it costs. Get them done properly in the first place and it will save money, car/ cyclist damage and inconvenience to all🤬
Posted anonymously at 09:17, Thu 22 October 2020
Please see most recent message about the waste of public money as these pot holes are not being repaired properly as they have been filled numerous times. As you state in West Sussex Connections magazine you do your best to make a permanent repair but in this case you failed abysmally.
Posted anonymously at 19:42, Sat 24 October 2020
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Cannot understand why whoever repaired the pot holes at this location very recently left a quite substantial one not filled. Is it an ongoing contract and job security for the contractors hired to fix the problems leaving one to fester and cause more inconvenience and screwing the council over for more money for an incomplete job. Let’s see how long this repair lasts. Shame on the council for allowing this to happen.
Posted anonymously at 21:27, Mon 26 October 2020
Yep! Still ongoing!! Will this ever be fixed to last longer than 1 month at a time? Who is paying the contractors for not doing it properly?
Posted anonymously at 22:19, Wed 18 November 2020
Advised that this will be repaired in what seemed like prior to Christmas according to email I received which would involve closing road. So far not seen any evidence i.e.sign giving advance warning of this closure so it doesn't appear its going to happen as informed in email. Very disappointing.
Posted anonymously at 17:37, Sun 22 November 2020
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What is the point of this FixmyStreet questionnaire when there is no response and no action being carried out. It is pathetic and makes me wonder if my council tax is being spent effectively or is it completely mismanaged the same as the repairs to the road, that I have been continually complaining about for probably a year now.
Posted anonymously at 18:17, Sun 20 December 2020
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Very true! Ringing highways about it doesn’t work either as you can tell by another shoddy repair. They tell us not all the work is checked but the repair fails the contractor has to repair it at their expense. I just don’t believe them anymore. I know they plead poverty but waste money cutting grass verges in November!
Posted anonymously at 11:41, Mon 21 December 2020
Been advised work cannot be commenced due to the road closure where the road meets Portslade. There is a diversion in place which could be used to access the southern end of Mile Oak Road. As this work shouldn't take very long could it be considered that the work is carried out overnight limiting the disruption to traffic flow.
Posted anonymously at 17:02, Mon 18 January 2021
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Due to bad weather the situation is deteriorating considerably to the extent that serious damage to a vehicle could happen. In view of the last part of the above what is the point of this site as obviously nobody reads it.
Posted anonymously at 17:26, Wed 17 February 2021
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