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Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 15:32, Tue 25 August 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2262883.

There is gravel along the pavement making it difficult for elderly people to walk safely, it seems to have come from peoples gravel drives but the area needs to be cleaned. There is a large weed overhanging the pavement between No 7 and 15 Jacobs Gutter Lane on the open ground. Also a hedge at No 23 Jacobs Gutter Lane which has been allowed to overgrow over the pavement, making the pavement very narrow. There is also a tree which has been damaged on the small green next to 2A Jacobs Gutter Lane, a large branch has become detached from the trunk NFDC said this is HCC land. There are elderly people using this area and also the school children returning to school. There is also a drain that is completely blocked (Weeds growing out of it) it is opposite Hounsdown Avenue near the subway and a large lake of water collects there, again children crossing

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 20:00, Wed 23 September 2020

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