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Coleman Court Eggars Hill

Reported via iOS in the Other (non-highways) category by Michael Corcoran at 23:05, Sat 15 August 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council and Rushmoor Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2247203.

That’s My home( Flat4) Every thing I’ve done in the past 10 months or so, had been to constantly improve our living, the conditions, and more recently, the cleanliness and ability to provide accessible surfaces that can be cleaned... my 24/7 work also in involved travel to the town to get food and cleaning equipment & materials...( I am but one. Bloke) You’ve got a complete Borough Council... and yet you experience lack of endeavour... nothing changes ... week in ... week out.... and when you ask ..... somewhat conveniently... your guys are suffering from Covid. This cannot be true I give you one instance ( and I know I’ve asked for more) The Bus Terminus in Union Road Has “Perspex divisions panels” 1/ why make a Divisoin in the 21st century 2/ they are not “Fracture proof” 3/ they have become a free target practice for the drunks/ druggies As coffee/ chocolate stains that I reported 6 month ago Are still there.. ??? Do they Harbour Coronavirus??

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  • Update this please Suggest you look at the other Representations at the same time.. as I would like an update of your action-plan ( if any) If you need to divert to • Roads • pavements • •parks• •. Disable Access• Then As a rate payer I would expect all issues to be resolved Centrally So I do not expect a reply saying ... * I’ve come through to the wrong extension..* The ultimate Ease of this APP.. Is to press the app Then add you * pointer* Then add your comment.. And wait for a reply..

    Hope you can Help !!

    Posted by Michael Corcoran at 09:23, Mon 17 August 2020

  • Read this content in detail.. Don’t attempt to reply if your passing the buck.. This is addressed to fix my street, as an observation.. If you have to gain input from other sources, please do so, but , as I am “ the originator “ I feel you have a responsibility to keep me informed.. and , when I say KEEP ME INFORMED I don’t mean ,, don’t use a “ don’t reply” page.. Please make yourselves accessible,, like I’ve given you a lead.,( and example..)

    Posted anonymously at 19:21, Mon 24 August 2020

  • Nothing heard No acknowledgment Covid is dead I have heard on the grape vine... that dubious organisations are using Covid as an excuse to hide or abrogate there duty of care.. what say you????

    Posted by Mick Corcoran at 20:47, Sun 13 September 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Please communicate??

    Posted by Michael Corcoran at 07:45, Mon 12 October 2020

  • Please communicate??

    Posted by Michael Corcoran at 07:45, Mon 12 October 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

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