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Deliberate multiple obstructions of right of way.

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 15:06, Thu 30 July 2020

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2223726.

This lane has home made signs denying access at both ends. There are recently added obstructions in at least 4 locations. Starting at Oak Farm at the North end of the lane there are two piles of rubble placed approximately 50 metres from the Peatling Road. Then in another 20 mtrs a fallen tree has been cut once to allow pedestrian access and the remainder arranged to prohibit cycle or vehicle access. at the dog-leg section of the lane indicated by the mark on the map the corners of the lane are now overgrown and completely invisible, this has led to walkers being forced to short cut by walking through the planted crop. Along the whole section leading South from here the crops are being planted/grown closer to the field edge and reducing the Right of Way width. At another gate in the same direction a large tree stump has been placed in front of a gate, clearly to hinder vehicle access. I believe this all to be wilful obstruction of the lane which appears to currently have ORPA status. I have used this lane many times over a period of years and all the obstruction mentioned have been added in the last few months.

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  • Have had messages from both Highways dept and Harboro council but was told nothing is likely to be done. Considering what further action I can take.

    Posted anonymously at 15:36, Thu 27 August 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 16:11, Thu 24 September 2020

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