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Cyclists on the greensward

Reported anonymously at 11:39, Mon 20 July 2020

Sent to Arun District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2208198.

I walk my dogs on the greensward daily, as i live in Botany Close, there are quite a lot of cyclists going quite fast, my little Chihuahua chased one before I could stop her and she was kicked, and rolled over three times, she seems okay but the cyclist shouted abuse as they all do, the sign saying no cycling on the path has been removed by one of them several months ago, can we have another sign, they really are a nuisance, there are a lot of dog walkers on the green and I know of two dogs who have been run over without the cyclist stopping, just using fowl language, this has been going on for a long time and it should be stopped

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  • Walked today. the Greensward though the gate onto the Willowhayne, and 3 cyclists came flying past us, took no notice of the big no cycling sign, told them no cycling and just got a load of abuse, I had six dogs and had to rush to get them all together, it is a nightmare for dog walkers

    Posted anonymously at 14:29, Mon 17 August 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Cyclists totally ignore the no cycles sign, and went past us so quick yesterday, my chihuahua who has had a operation her leg, chased them, she is limping today, after hurting herself, I am so frustrated that people do not care for large signs straight in front of them, and just abuse us when we say no cycling on this part of the greensward, I am going to take pictures now

    Posted anonymously at 14:37, Mon 14 September 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • No change still riding on the greensward

    Posted anonymously at 16:46, Mon 12 October 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • We need a sign on the path which has been taken by a cyclist, saying no cycling

    Posted anonymously at 09:15, Tue 10 November 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • We need a sign on the path at botany close, to say no cyclists, or please walk with your cycle

    Posted anonymously at 14:55, Tue 8 December 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • We need a sign on the path at botany close saying no cyclists, they are causing problems for dog walkers, and shout abuse if you ask them to walk with there bike, a cyclist stole the last sign

    Posted anonymously at 15:06, Tue 5 January 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • We just need a no cycling sign at the beginning of the path on botany close. please, please, please, the last one was stolen

    Posted anonymously at 09:43, Wed 3 February 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • As above just a simple round sign saying no cycling on the path or the greens ward they ride do fast we all have trouble trying to grab our dogs before they go under the wheels, young people do not slow down it is not an enjoyable walk now with so many bikes on the greensward

    Posted anonymously at 14:47, Wed 3 March 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still the same

    Posted anonymously at 21:14, Wed 31 March 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • When are we going to get a simple no cycling sign on the path at Botany Close, I have been asking for months is it that difficult to get a sign, we pay plenty of council tax in this road, but cannot get a simple sign, I do wonder how efficient our council is, how many times do I have to ask for a sign, it’s not rocket science

    Posted anonymously at 22:30, Wed 28 April 2021

  • When are we going to get a simple no cycling sign on the path at Botany Close, I have been asking for months is it that difficult to get a sign, we pay plenty of council tax in this road, but cannot get a simple sign, I do wonder how efficient our council is, how many times do I have to ask for a sign, it’s not rocket science

    Posted anonymously at 10:37, Thu 29 April 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Same as above, I will even pay for it

    Posted anonymously at 14:48, Thu 27 May 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • As above

    Posted anonymously at 17:44, Thu 24 June 2021
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 21:26, Thu 22 July 2021

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