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Safety loss due to bikes

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 17:59, Sat 4 July 2020

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2185685.

There is now nowhere safe to walk in my old age except on a beach to avoid illegal bikes on pavements even my retreat to Broadsands now has bikes whizzing down both ends of narrow seafront across in front of huts ,over elberry headland and through woods at breakneck speed-notices of fines of £1000 are needed similar to dog fine notices as bikers are abusive and threatening if told and opportunist say -no notices saying no biking-it should not be left to public to tell bikers this-NOTICES NO BIKING FINE £1000 are desperatly needed -council have a duty of SAFETY on pavements for pedestrians-old-disabled-blind-deaf-etc MUST have safety --I lobby gov to get bikes number plated -taxed&insured-eyesight test-highway code test to take away danger and anonymous behaviour and I and others will do walk of protest on beaches if nothing done -I and 2 adult children,disabled find it too dangerous to walk on pavements even in town -union street bikes fast on pavements -FINE notices up are desperatly needed -Ive been knocked over by Princess theatre -broken nose-tooth-head hit concrete-yours Countess De Leyva Y Hapsburg

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  • Pedestrians are legally entitled to safety on pavements --if councils can put up threatening fine notices to dog owners ---pick up/keep off beach then can do this to stop selfish illegal biking on pavements --we are entitled to have somewhere safe to walk -now cyclists are on all park grass and ilsham valley -going on all pavements--up one way streets the wrong way its v v dangerous chaos and mayhem and theyre anonymous--and when swearing at anyone objecting to this -they know it--council and gov must act to educate and regulate this or ban biking and encourage the better exercise of WALKING and better electric buses french style--who have the sense not to give away the worlds highest foreign aid of over a billion per month --no wonder uk looks tatty and poor and 1 million underfed kids and pensioners also on the civilised worlds lowest pension--

    Posted anonymously at 22:07, Sun 2 August 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 15:34, Tue 1 September 2020

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