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Overflow storm drains

Reported via iOS in the Pavements/footpaths category by Michael Corcoran at 17:32, Wed 1 July 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2181554.

Semi- corcular concrete drains running away from house - towards the gutter Concrete about 4” wide Channel,, open,, about 2” radius This is prehistoric, as the water being washed away which could be contaminated ,, and open to general public There’s about 15/20 of these...AND YES ( it’s me again) It makes wheelchair access almost impossible No go up on you ( no expense spared chopper) to see what I mean,,

You’ll be condoning buckets of water being thrown into the center of the road Get Real email me

And don’t go making threats & accusation aimed at me I’m here to help

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  • Storm “ gullies” Which run a right angles, to nearly all terraced housing in Grovenor Rd ( on the left hand side or Grovenor rd as you go towards Aldershot Town) There’s about 15 house’s that contribute waste water, into the drain system.....,[that is, if it is connected to the sewerage system,, ] if there is a PLAN. at all.. theses “Channels “ make it uncomfortable to traverse on wheeled Transport,,,or Wheelchairs as we’ve been in ownership for 15/20 years.. I have never seen anything so Durasic .... and never seen way of controlling effluent flow... Bearing in mind ~ you are charging for “disposal “ of waste in the water bill. I’ve seen(witnessed) effluent mid-Management before.. In Lancing... and because it continually flooded , they sent Sump suckers ~ once a week.. But this also included * Soil* Please don’t ignore me I am entering a *suggestion for improvements * Don’t retaliate Don’t go on the defensive But Reply -when you can-

    Posted by You have ALL my details at 08:18, Thu 30 July 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

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