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Non-compliance with yellow line restrictions

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 10:44, Thu 18 June 2020

Sent to Leeds City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2161549.

Double yellow lines were put in place on "The Locks" and "Pottery Lane" in an attempt to ease traffic parking problems caused (largely) by people visiting the canal towpath/picnic site etc at Woodlesford Lock. Initially this was effective but traffic wardens in the area have been notable by their absence and (particularly since Lockdown was eased - early May) there has been increasing non-compliance on both the Locks and Pottery Lane, leading to residents and through traffic experiencing difficulties in passing along both roads and footpaths being blocked. Can some attendances be made - especially at weekends when the problem is normally at it's worst in order to both enforce the rules and deter further offending.

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