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Filiage from verge planting obstructing footway at pedestrian crossing

Reported anonymously at 16:44, Wed 17 June 2020 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2160471.

Foliage is hanging over footway where people need to wait or pass by - some step into channel to walk by - safety risk including from cyclist going south.

Council ref: 2160471

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  • Foliage still obstructing footway at pedestrian crossing, outside no. 89 - even after several reports... Diligently ignored.

    Posted anonymously at 10:10, Sun 8 November 2020

  • What has been done about getting this obstructing foliage cut-back or removed - if the occupiers of 89 are ignoring cut it back and put a charge on the property, otherwise it is waste of public funds to keep writing to them.....3wks since first report and waiting!

    Posted anonymously at 10:01, Sun 29 November 2020

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