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Constant parking on a keep clear sign by residents from another road and car parked or rather positioned to make it easy for those said vehicles to park on signage should not be parked on a bend on a keep clear wether it be residential or not same people

Reported in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 17:41, Sat 6 June 2020 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to South Oxfordshire District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2144791.

Cars deliberatly parked on a keep clear to cause problems on a bend and for any access to and from driveway which can be difficult at the best of times Please extend or yellow line this area to stop these games police have been told about the situation,

Council ref: 2144791

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  • The same people and friends of constantly obstruct my driveway TVP have been told but choose to ignore this type of harrassment lines required opposite driveways on hamilton road

    Posted anonymously at 12:40, Tue 1 September 2020

  • Low Loader Obstructing gate entrance not moved for days on end not legal, parked their to obstruct driveway TVP are aware. would like it moved asap.

    Posted anonymously at 20:04, Wed 7 October 2020

  • Constant parking on Keep clear signage by the same person reducing the length people have to use as well as making trouble for nearby residents by doing 3 point turns with full headlights on at 5am in the morning. double yellow lines needed now!

    Posted anonymously at 18:10, Thu 5 November 2020

  • Constant parking harrassment on a daily bases targeting one individual by at least four people one moves position and the other takes over on a clear road police and solicitor have been told as the situation has got to intimidating

    Posted anonymously at 20:33, Tue 1 December 2020

  • Parking harassment continues in ernest from one to another why are they being allowed to use a public road for their doorstep harassment game obviously they failed in life and this is all they can do, very predictive actions

    Posted anonymously at 17:36, Wed 6 January 2021

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