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Damged Edges to Kirkby Lane and requirement for traffic calming

Reported anonymously at 10:21, Wed 3 June 2020

Sent to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2140362.

The edge of most of the roadway on Kirkby Lane has been damaged and temporary repaired many times over the past few years with little success and without really addressing the main issue that creates the problem. The lane is a single track lane with passing places for much of its length but is in constant use by lorries and many more vehicles than the occasional and agricultural traffic it was designed to take and, additionally, the speed of traffic has risen to, often dangerous levels This is due to it being used comprehensively as a cut through to the A47 to avoid the queues at Desford crossroad trafficlights. There is also a significant Health and Safety issue with the danger of someone getting seriously hurt or worse still killed as it is a shared vehicle and pedestrian road that is used by walkers from both Newbold Verdon and Desford with accesses off the lane to Public footpaths to both communities, the damaged road edges only serve to worsen this hazard.

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  • There have been unsuccessful attempts at repairs in a few places , presume by LCC or their contractors. The work however is of poor quality and totally unsuccessful. The lane continues to see combined use by pedestrians and traffic, speeding is an issue with some drivers, many are considerate to pedestrians and their dogs. Heavy Goods Vehicles of all sizes continue to use the lane, the frequency is increasing. Many are over the 7.5 ton zonal limit and are using it as a cut through.

    Posted anonymously at 17:41, Wed 1 July 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • The status of Kirkby Lane remains unchanged from the original report to you. If anything; the deterioration of the Lane continues to get worse. The Traffic issue is only getting worse as Lockdown eases, as such, the interaction with pedestrians is greater!

    Posted anonymously at 14:49, Thu 30 July 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

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