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Parked cars protruding dangerously into the road.

Reported in the Other public road issue category anonymously at 15:55, Tue 26 May 2020 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2129879.

Outside of Helpston Village shop.

Many large vehicles which often park at right angles to the building line are protruding dangerously into the road.

It would be good if you could review the white markings at this point, possibly with a view to painting in new diagonal parking line indicators or lines showing spaces parallel to the building line. In any case, the marking themselves are certainly indistinct and do need renewal,

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  • Thanks for making your report.

    It will be passed on to the relevant department. We will endeavour to provide you with an update within 10 working days.

    Posted by Peterborough City Council at 15:55, Tue 26 May 2020

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