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Speeding vehicles - speed camera and lower limit needed

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 12:28, Mon 11 May 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2112050.

This is a busy road at all times of day and night. It is a 40mph limit currently but many vehicles drive in excess of this (this has got worse through lockdown with a slightly lower volume of traffic). Lorries thunder down the road hitting manhole covers and causing the houses to shake as they pass damaging the foundations. As a minimum a speed camera is required to stop the speeding. However a lower limit of 30mph is also the maximum speed that would be appropriate for this road. It goes through a built up area with houses both size, house exits have poor visibility due to the lay of the road, trees, hedges and fences, narrow pavement and only 1 side for much of the road and school children walking to and from school. There are frequent accidents and near misses with many horns sounding as residents try to safely leave their drive and enter this fast stream of traffic, there are also a lot of near misses exiting and entering Barton Drive. At 40mph it is quite simply dangerous for the type of road. When compared to other local roads such as Maunsell Way which is a 30mph road with traffic calming measures - a wide road, fairly straight, wide grassy verges before the wide pavements and no houses exiting directly onto the road and a network of paths through the residential roads so very few people need to walk along the road. A far safer road with far less dangers and hazards but yet a lower limit - how does that make any sense? This has gone on for too long now and the problem is getting worse with no one taking responsibility to take action and change it.

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