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In our area sometime after midnight most street lights go off except for lights near road junctions, but recently all lights are going off including those at junctions, an example being the lamp by properties no.12 & 14 Althorpe Drive, LE11 4QU.

Reported in the Street lighting category anonymously at 09:31, Tue 5 May 2020

Sent to Leicestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2106148.

I first noticed this problem about 3 or 4 nights ago and have made a point of checking in case it was just the failure of this street lamp nearest to us at 10 Althorpe Drive. However, the whole estate seems to have lost all the lights which usually are be seen from upper front window in our home. We've lived here over 40 yrs and notice the difference this makes.

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