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A27 from Chalk Hill exit onto Swaythling Road to Allington Lane roundabout

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 16:05, Mon 4 May 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2105601.

Coming down Chalk Hill and turning left onto Swaythling Road and continuing down to the Allington Lane mini roundabout the road on BOTH sides of the road are terrible. Numerous potholes, cats eyes have been lost leaving holes, cracks at least 3 inches. This is the A27 so is extremely busy with large transporters and buses whizzing down from Church Hill (who have a lovely laid road) Surely during lockdown would be the best time ever to put this right instead of waiting until the road is jammed again with the constant traffic that it normally incurs?

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