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Bonfire lit during lockdown

Reported in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 21:44, Sun 26 April 2020

Sent to Fareham Borough Council and Hampshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2097884.

26/4/2020. From early evening onwards, bonfire lit smoke spreading across Bridge Road - house which backs on to main road almost opposite Sarisbury Social Club. The person responsible needs to stop lighting these unnecessary bonfires, we are all in lockdown have to have a mutual respect for each others health and well being. He/she obviously is uncaring, selfish and brainless. The council will be informed.

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  • The Government should have and should ban bonfires altogether for health and environmental reasons. It appears anyone can burn what they want how they want when they want and it needs to be stopped. The whole thing is selfish, unnecessary and wrong.

    Posted anonymously at 08:44, Mon 25 May 2020

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