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Poor footpath that needs redoing...due to diggers and workers

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 13:46, Wed 15 April 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 2088386.

Good day!

I hope you are all well in this difficult climate we’re all in.

I moved into my new home in February 2020. And I have noticed that the two houses that back onto my front door are having rather a lot of construction work. Between my front door and them is a pathway. Diggers and other machinery has left it looking rather grim.

Would any one be so kind to look at this for me in being tidied up?

Thank you so much for reading and wishing you all well and to be safe!

Kindest regards

Kelly Rushton

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  • I have had no answer from anyone on this matter would someone please help me?

    Posted anonymously at 12:24, Mon 3 August 2020

  • This leads to my front door

    Posted anonymously at 16:39, Tue 1 June 2021

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