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Trade/plumber fly tipping in private lane.

Reported in the Flytipping category anonymously at 20:14, Fri 10 April 2020

Sent to South Oxfordshire District Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2084927.

Last weekend a load of black tiles, rubble and insulation material was left near the entrance to Lower Farm lane. This has happened several times before and is in addition to divers stopping in the lane and leaving their litter behind. Last year we have had several loads of garden waste and rubble left in the same place and we had to hire a skip for disposal.

Council ref: 2084927

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  • This is private land and it the land owners responsibility to clear. The land owner is LOWER FARM BARNS ESTATE MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED Seacourt Tower, West Way, Oxford OX2 0FB

    Posted anonymously at 11:41, Tue 14 April 2020

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