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Pagham Road disgraceful Surface state outside Inglenook Public House, Bus Stop and Outside the Shops

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 16:26, Fri 13 March 2020

Sent to West Sussex County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 2060134.

Pagham Road surfaces are a total disgrace to the SUPPOSED authority that is SUPPOSED to be maintaining these, as a motorist and cyclist using these appalling roads it is very dangerous indeed and anyone crossing the roads in daylight or dark it represents a real hazard, there are elderly people trying to cross this very busy road and the whole length of Pagham Road is in a dangerous staet all the way to's about time there wqas someone with a proper knowledge of repairing the roads here instead of the 'Bodgit & Scarper ' Groups that attempt to Bodge it up again an

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 15:52, Mon 13 April 2020

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