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There are 3 potholes outside 29 Swaythling road, its so bad that eveeytime a car goes over it shakes the whole house, this house is over 200 years old and its starting to cause a lot of damage

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 14:55, Wed 11 March 2020

Sent to Hampshire County Council 6 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 2055604.

There are 3 potholes outside 29 Swaythling road, its so bad that eveeytime a car goes over it shakes the whole house, this house is over 200 years old and its starting to cause a lot of damage. There is also a drain across the road that is pitted

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  • This has still not been fixed, literally half filled , lasted half a day before broken tarmac all over the road and whole worse then ever,

    Posted anonymously at 11:45, Mon 16 March 2020

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