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Problems at junction of B1256 and Roding Drive at roundabout

Reported anonymously at 08:58, Sat 7 March 2020

Sent to Essex County Council and Uttlesford District Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 2045871.

There are frequently near accidents/actual minor accidents here between the B1256 and Roding Drive where the roundabout road markings have virtually disappeared and drivers on the B1256 simply don’t see it is a roundabout.

In addition, on approaching from the Bishops Stortford direction any car turning into Roding Drive cannot see what is coming in the other direction down Roding Drive because cars are frequently parked on the left hand side very close to the junction. There have been a number of near accidents and collisions and heated confrontations especially at peak times of day at school delivery and collection times. The whole situation escalates when a school bus or dustbin lorry are added to the picture.

Along with many people around here I strongly feel that something should be done to effect some calming measures before a more serious accident occurs. Yellow lines near the junction would probably help.

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