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Bus Stop vandals destroyed wall, gate and front garden

Reported in the Dangerous structure category anonymously at 10:55, Sun 25 September 2011

Sent to Redbridge 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 204449.

People waiting at the bus stop outside 450 New North Road have been sitting on and vandalising the private property's front wall causing it to disintegrate. The gate has fallen off. People have been throwing litter, rubbish and bricks at the windows and climbing on the roof dislodging the tiles. We cannot access our property or drive for parking at the front due to a violation of our privacy and physical obstruction from the bus stop and bin. There is a bus stop across the road which could be used if the buses went into the ONEWAY part of Kielder Close and came out into New north Road out of Staggart Green

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