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7.5 ton weight limit ignored

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 11:30, Mon 2 March 2020

Sent to Leicestershire County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 2034137.

The weight restriction on Grove Road Blaby is 7.5 ton, This restriction is ignored by the HGV drivers using Grove Road as a rat run to and from Lutterworth Road to the Blaby Bypass. The speed limit is 30mph and 20mph when the children are in school. This limit is exceeded by most drivers even though there are speed ramps. We constantly have HGV'S from construction sites, 40ft containers etc using and abusing this road. Thre was a serious incident recently where an HGV hit a parked car, pushed it 20ft down the road, over the pavement and demolished a garden wall. Fortunately no one was injured. Car owners do not park their cars in the respective drives even though there is sometimes adequate space. This problem has increased with the influx of new tenants to Grove Road. Who's responsibility is it for the action required to enforce the regulations for the weight and speed restrictions? Maybe some flashing speed and weight indicator signs similar to those in Whetstone could help to solve this problem in some part. Kind Regards Terry Toone

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 21:01, Wed 29 April 2020

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