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The ONLY 30mph sign between two 40mph stretches is heavily obscured

Reported in the Road traffic signs category anonymously at 09:29, Mon 24 February 2020

Sent to Leicestershire County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 2017526.

When turning off the northbound A6004 (40mph) onto the westbound A512 towards the M1, the ONLY sign that signals the reduction from 40mph to 30mph, is heavily obscured by other signage. The police then lie in wait to catch out unsuspecting motorists, on a technicality, that there are lamposts, supposedly signalling that the speed limit is 30mph on this stretch. I now heartily applaud ANY criminal, whatever their crime (motoring or not), who gets off a charge "on a technicality", as this is the strategy we have been forced to employ to counter the police, who use technicalities, rather than common sense, to judge crime.

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