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Open fire and log burner smoke pollution

Reported anonymously at 08:23, Fri 21 February 2020

Sent to Leeds City Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 2012285.

There are several houses in my street have open fires and log burners some times I cant open my upstairs windows because of smoke pollution some burn old pallets and other unsuitable items

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  • How do you know they're all burning the wrong thing. How can you tell it's an open fire? I have a multi-fuel burner not far from the street you reported. I only burn smokeless briquettes but the suppliers deliver wet bags and it's more Smokey than dry fuel. Burning kiln dried wood is hotter than briquettes and is legal but burns too quickly so it's cheaper to burn wickes briquettes. Burning pallets is not good and the chimney sweep will be able to tell they're burning the wrong stuff (if they get the chimney swept). You should report it to the right body and not here. I've used this exact service before and you'll be lucky to get an outcome if it's the same. DEFRA and Environmental Health I think you need. Anonymous could just be malicious. All the best Mr/Mrs anonymous from Andy. Guiseley

    Posted anonymously at 20:18, Thu 30 April 2020

  • It comes from chimneys around me,not trouble causing its my right to report and nothing to do with you,climate doesnt need log burners like yours

    Posted anonymously at 15:45, Wednesday 31 July 2024

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