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Yalberton Autos van constantly parked in Turning Bay

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 21:56, Thu 9 January 2020

Sent to Torbay Borough Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1928902.

Neighbour constantly parking his own Isuzu trooper 4x4 or his yalberton works van in the Turning Bay, has been doing for years, despite me contacting the council several times nothing has been done about it,

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  • There is no enforcement action that can be carried out by the Council. If the vehicle is causing an obstruction you would need to report it to the police (101 or via their online form) though they will likely only take action if the vehicle is preventing vehicular exit from private property.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 08:17, Mon 13 January 2020

  • The problem hasn't been 'fixed', my neightbour is still parking in the turning bay. So just to be clear, you are saying that the 'Turning Bay, No Parking' signs are non-enforceable and as such are merely 'advisory' signs, my questions then are :- A. What is the point of them? B. What is the cost to taxpayers to not only make the signs but to also fit them in various locations? C. Wouldn't it be more cost effective to spend this taxpayers money on fixing potholes, clearing drains etc rather than wasting it on pointless signs? D. Why should i direct my complaint to the police, surely they are busy enough doing actual police work to be mithered with 'council or highways' problems? So there you have it folks, anyone is free to park in so called 'turning bays' providing you're not blocking anyones driveway & you will not get a parking ticket, be clamped, or even towed, enjoy. 😁

    Posted anonymously at 13:02, Mon 13 January 2020

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 07:14, Fri 7 February 2020

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