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Spikey Bushes Growing over Pavement

Reported in the Trees category anonymously at 10:45, Wed 22 June 2011

Sent to Birmingham City Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 190625.

The very prickly bush on the corner of Hawthorn Brook Way is growing into the path. It is especially noticable when holding a child's hand as they are almost certain to be brushing agains the bush. I would really like it to be cut back, please.

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  • Unsurprisingly, nothing has been done. The bush is still overgrown, still spikey and it still hurts when you brush past it!

    Posted anonymously at 21:16, Sun 4 March 2012

  • Done, trimmed! Thank you to whoever sorted this, but the spikey bushes have been trimmed back.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 21:17, Sun 4 March 2012

  • Questionnaire filled in by problem reporter; State changed to: Fixed, 21:18, Sun 4 March 2012

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