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Paviour blocks have become loose where vehicle tyres hit this speed bump area. The paviours will just get looser & looser untilnone pops out & causes damage to a vehicle & leaves an ever-increasing hole. Just needs a dry day & a bag of fast-setting cement. Is this new road surface stillnunder guarantee?

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 23:53, Fri 20 December 2019

Sent to Hampshire County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1899647.

Paviour blocks have become loose where vehicle tyres hit this speed bump area. The paviours will just get looser & looser untilnone pops out & causes damage to a vehicle & leaves an ever-increasing hole. Just needs a dry day & a bag of fast-setting cement. Is this new road surface still under guarantee?

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