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Two very deep potholes on left very edge of Dodwell Lane can't be seen when full of water. No shots as dark and wet and full of bust traffic forced me into them could easily burst a tyre.

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 18:06, Wed 18 December 2019

Sent to Hampshire County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1895403.

These potholes are very near the curb but spreading fast. Growing every week. Two very deep ones can't be seen until you hit them. Had to inspect my wheel and tyre after hitting them, they are closer to the Hedge End end near the houses on the right towards Bursledon but well before the motorway bridge. Will not be using that road, however Shall claim if I think they are fixed soon and I forget to avoid the Lane. Hope this helps.

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