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Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 12:54, Sun 8 December 2019

Sent to Hampshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1879302.

This lower part of the one way road system on the estate has always been subject to flooding, several months ago it appeared the drains were dug up and corrective work carried out. I suspect an extortionate figure of money was then spent resurfacing the entire one way system. The flooding has become worse, the problem worsened by parked vehicles which is only going to destroy the new road surface. Is this really how public money is invested? The flooding needs to be rectified before more public money is wasted!!

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 13:44, Mon 6 January 2020

  • Almost 12 months later, the flooding has not improved, parked vehicles are still forcing traffic into the flooding.

    Posted anonymously at 12:17, Sat 28 November 2020

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