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Van leaking oil

Reported anonymously at 16:15, Wed 25 May 2011

Sent to Redbridge Borough Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 186396.

Whilst going for my daily jog, I slipped in a pool of oil that was left on the pavement by a vehicle on the corner of Fletcher and Arrowsmith Road and have hurt my back. I am considering going to a claims specialist to deal with this matter as I was on the pavement and not even on the road.

I have returned to the scene and have seen the offending vehicle usually parked there after 5pm. It is a large white van with registration ending in OYG and have seen the oil leaking from the vehicle myself.

I would recommend asking the owner to deal with this oil leaking issue or at least clean the oil up after themselves as there is a lot of oil on the pavement. It's not safe to have high amounts of oil on the pavements especially since I have seen children playing a lot in the area.

I am not sure who owns the vehicle but I have asked the houses closest to where it is parked on Fletcher Road and it doesn't belong to anyone residing on Fletcher Road.

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