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Test potholes

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 14:44, Sun 24 November 2019

Sent to Leicestershire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1859644.

One test pothole has been left infilled.

The whole length of Sutton Lane road and pavements now comprise other potholes & crumbling patchwork sections following years of development, repairs and installation of Broadband cables by Virgin. Crumbling includes the top of the Lane where it meets Broughton Way.

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  • One or two potholes have been filled (including the one in the picture & at the top of Sutton Lane) but there are others damaged surfaces along the Lane which remain a danger to traffic, pedestrians and horse riders.

    Posted anonymously at 15:26, Sun 22 December 2019
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • One test pothole has been filled - ahead of the road section being adapted to create a turning into a new housing complex.

    The whole of the Lane still has various damage and potholes

    Posted anonymously at 19:38, Sun 19 January 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • The road outside new houses adjacent number 54 have been filled. However deep potholes are still evident all along the lane.

    Posted anonymously at 20:37, Sun 16 February 2020

  • Sutton Lane has deteriorated since heavy construction traffic has been using the road.

    Additionally the grass verges have been damaged by heavy vehicles parking or using the verges to turn on sharp turns.

    Posted anonymously at 21:17, Sun 15 March 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Same problem exists - the test potholes were filled. A small section in front of new housing has been tarmac’d.

    Several crumbling sections along the lane have further deteriorated since the heavy rainfall of the past few months.

    Posted anonymously at 07:48, Mon 13 April 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • There are existing damaged areas that have deteriorated with the heavy construction plant and large vehicles heading to the Severn Trent works off Sutton Lane.

    There are too many damaged spots to photograph. With the potential advent of 5 further houses to be constructed there will be more damage on this Lane

    Posted anonymously at 10:14, Mon 11 May 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • The pandemic means that this will be low priority. However as more heavy traffic uses the lane the condition worsens.

    Posted anonymously at 14:22, Mon 8 June 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 19:05, Mon 6 July 2020

  • A new road off Sutton Lane was tarmac'd last week (new housing). No existing potholes, damaged tarmac was repaired.

    Posted anonymously at 08:57, Tue 4 August 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

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