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Verge on side of road sunken below kerb stone. Kerb stones damaged, Parked cars are unable to get traction to drive away. Safety risk to pedestrians.

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 20:09, Sat 16 November 2019

Sent to Leicestershire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1849209.

Seagrave Road is the main road through Sileby, between Park Road and Green Rise there is only room for single lane traffic because of cars parking on the road, This has always been the case. The issue in the pictures is that because the verge/path is below the kerb and any emergency access will create damage to the vehicle and damage the kerb further. It also makes vehicle tyres slip making it impossible for emergency vehicles to park off the road and to allow for traffic to continue to flow.

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