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Change to Traffic Light sequence creating traffic jams in estate and delays of over 40 minutes

Reported in the Traffic lights category anonymously at 08:51, Wed 13 November 2019

Sent to Leicestershire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1843891.

The traffic lights have had a change of sequence at the top of beggers lane, this is now causing cars queing into the housing estate in Kirby Muxloe going down the road of Cherry Tree Avenue, my parents live half way down there and can't get off their drive, it took me over 30 minutes to get out of their estate last night onto Hinckley road, its usually takes a minute. Although I'm all for stopping the volume of traffic coming through this is a complete shambles and will stop emergency vehicles getting through , which considering a lot of retired people live in the area this is not the councils best idea!

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