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Pothole around gully frame entering galliford try traffic management heading to A46 LWB.

Reported via Android in the Potholes category anonymously at 09:05, Mon 4 November 2019

Sent to Leicester City Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1830457.

Pothole around gully frame entering galliford try traffic management heading to A46 LWB.

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  • Potholes getting bigger, do you really want me to damage my Volvo sports alloy wheels at £600 per wheel including vat. I will invoice you and take you to small claims court if necessary. Galiford Try have had this site since November and the surface is now heavily potholed due to the traffic management.

    Posted anonymously at 13:24, Mon 13 January 2020

  • I drove through this pothole today and it has split my front near side tyre!

    Posted anonymously at 21:57, Thu 16 January 2020

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