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Rubbish bins left out on street

Reported in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 18:05, Wed 9 October 2019

Sent to Runnymede Borough Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1798895.

A number of residents on Spring Rise are failing to bring their bins back within their property boundaries. They are blocking the pavements, look unsightly and there have also been a number of instances of fly tipping next to them. Both bins belonging to No 48 which is an HMO have been left out on the grass verge at the top of a slope by the parking bay and are just waiting to be tipped over! They have been left out for the last couple of weeks and have already been over filled leading to rubbish spilling out. A Council worker who was cutting the grass had to clear up the mess before he could cut the verge the other day. Runneymede's own policy states they need to be returned to the property boundary.

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