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Yellow lines needed to make road safer

Reported via Android in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 10:06, Fri 27 September 2019

Sent to Hampshire County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1783002.

Inconsiderate parking on Hobb Lane creating a hazard. Almost all people park on the odd numbered house side of the road, this Mini and recently a few others are parking on the opposite side, often opposite or almost opposite already parked cars, creating a dangerous slalom and restricted view which results in cars reversing or mounting pavements to get past. This is also near the brow of a hill further restricting drivers view and increasing danger. Often at school drop off and pick up time putting many children in danger. School coaches struggle to get through as would the fire services. Perhaps the single yellow lines with school time restriction could be continued up the even house numbered side of the road or even double yellows may be appropriate. People also drive far too fast up this road for the number of parked cars, obstacles and walking young children who are not yet fully road aware. This has been an issue for a long time with school parking and needs address before the multiple and frequent near misses turn in to a tragic accident.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 22:04, Mon 11 November 2019

  • The problem only gets worse, especially when workmen park on the pavement completely blocking it,forcing young children and mums with prams out on the road to get round or to cross the road in unsafe circumstances. Another near miss witnessed this morning. Will it take an actual accident before anything is done?!

    Posted anonymously at 13:20, Wed 8 January 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

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