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Reported via iOS in the Flytipping category anonymously at 11:20, Wed 21 August 2019

Sent to Hull City Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1739571.

Two black bags near to saner alley

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  • I have looked on our mapping system which shows the Hull City Council maintained adopted land and the area you’ve indicated is not included, as such without evidence and a witness statement to prove who dumped the waste on the land Hull City Council would not be able to take any action in this matter, if you have any evidence to point to the person(s) responsible we could ask for it to be investigated by Environmental Enforcement however the responsibility of removal would fall to the owners/occupiers of addresses surrounding the alleyway.

    Posted by Hull City Council - Customer Service Advisor at 07:43, Thu 22 August 2019

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