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Road being dug up for new electric cables insertion to Old Rectory.

Reported anonymously at 11:16, Thu 15 August 2019

Sent to Breckland District Council and Norfolk County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1733040.

Road being dug up for new electric cables insertion to Old Rectory. Operators have been assured there is very litle traffic passing down ferry Rd. This is nonsense as I have written to tell you repeatedly. I recently sent ypou copies of 8 letters written over my 25 year residence here- at Hythe Cottage. There is an active tree surgean at Ferryman's Retreat with a lot of heavy equipment. There is Ferry Farm. There are people feeding and tending stock daily. There are my neighbours with 3/4 cars at Bramble Cottage. My house,Hythe Cottage, is now up for sale and the spring crossing the road just below the Old Rectory in order to reach the River Wissey needs its under pass clearing or reinstating. THIS IS AN IDEAL OPORTUNITY TO DO THIS!

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  • No 'update' is possible because no culvert has been made under Ferry Rd. at this point to allow the spring water to go under the road on its way to the R. Wissey rather than DOWN the the road which I have been pointing out to you periodically for the last 20 years The original culvert is blocked up.

    Posted anonymously at 12:31, Thu 12 September 2019

  • No 'update' is possible because no culvert has been made under Ferry Rd. at this point to allow the spring water to go under the road on its way to the R. Wissey rather than DOWN the the road which I have been pointing out to you periodically for the last 20 years The original culvert is blocked up.

    Posted anonymously at 12:32, Thu 12 September 2019
    Still open, via questionnaire

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