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Turning bay and driveway repeatedly blocked

Reported via iOS in the Car parking category anonymously at 11:47, Sat 10 August 2019

Sent to Leicestershire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1727099.

This is been an ongoing issue for over three years since a new neighbour moved in to the close and has taken it upon themselves to repeatedly lock the turning bay in my driveway with his BT van and extended family and other cars What makes the situation even more outrageous you has ample parking for at least four or five vehicles on his own driveway There is always at least three spaces available and yet he insists on blocking access to our driveways and being a constant annoyance to the rest of the street users by blocking the turning circle The police are supporting me and have had words with the people in question unfortunately I have had no support from the highways department in putting in force meant lines in this area and patrolling the area Unfortunately police Will not ticket them for parking in this area as there is no enforcement lines and our local authority said this is a police issue nobody Will take responsibility

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 12:06, Sat 7 September 2019

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