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Shrubs overhanging pavement at head height, rubbish on bank

Reported in the Other (non-highways) category anonymously at 01:33, Fri 5 July 2019

Sent to Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1685188.

There is a block flats (Chellowdene) on the corner of Chalvington Road and Bournmouth Road. There is a steep bank sloping down to the pavement. Branches from the shrubs overhang the pavement causing pedestrians to duck to avoid them. The bank on the Chalvington side is a trap for litter. Access to the bank has to be via Chellowdene and needs a fence removing! Chellowdene is a Housing Association property and the bank does not appear to belong to the Highway Authority, the shrubs were planted when the site was developed by another social housing provider (not the present owners).

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