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Airport parking blocking round about

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 21:06, Thu 4 July 2019

Sent to Uttlesford District Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1685069.

Priors green estate little Canfield is residential parking only, we get numerace vehicles parking outside my house and then leaving them for weeks, clearly they are parking there to use the airport and avoiding the parking fee at the airport. it has become a big problem as I am on a round about and cars coming past the house have to go onto the other side of the road in order to pass the cars and doing so approach the round about on the wrong side of the road, there have been numerous accidents out side my house, it is also a hindrance to me getting out of my drive. As you can see in the pictures I have a large hedge out the front of My house and with cars parking here me pulling out of my drive also is a danger to me and other road users as I have to use the wrong side of the road. I think this part of the road should be double yellow lines, on an approach to around about you should clearly be able to see and in this case you can’t. Thank you for taking the time to read this I hope you can see this is a big problem which needs addressing.

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