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Inappropriate speeds of vehicles

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 18:22, Mon 17 June 2019

Sent to Hampshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1664349.

Cars are racing through the estate, using it as a ‘rat run’ to cut off the corner of A335 Leigh Road & Passfield Avenue. Also the long straight along George Raymond Road encourages drivers to put their foot down. I notice Kipling Road has traffic calming measures to slow down vehicles cutting through from Woodside Avenue to A335 Leigh Road via Brookwood Avenue. Please can traffic calming measures be put in place along Tinning Way and George Raymond Road? I’m convinced a child will be seriously injured as there is a lots of young families living around this area.

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  • Thank you for your recent enquiry. George Raymond Road and Tinning Way are not currently part of the public highway that is maintainable at the public expense and therefore not part of the road network that Hampshire County Council maintains. I can only advise that you contact the developer who is likely to be responsible for these routes. In any event where you are concerned that traffic is travelling appreciably over the speed limit then you may report the matter directly to the Police as a non-urgent issue as they have the authority to carry out enforcement.

    Posted anonymously at 11:07, Wed 19 June 2019

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 02:52, Tue 16 July 2019

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