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The residents at 42 Lower High Street continually dump p anything and everything in the Lane opposite their rear entrance . This is against the hedge of the Six Bells and is not part of 42 Lower High Street's property. To date there are bags of wood off cuts, roof lining material, small desk top computer device and their refuse bins. These are on the Highway and in a Conservation area. They try putting all these items on or around the Biffa street waste bins, and rightly Bifa will not take them.There are also bags of cement etc dumped in the undergrowth left from their building worksmaterial

Reported in the Flytipping category anonymously at 20:43, Thu 13 June 2019 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to South Oxfordshire District Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1659762.

This area is used as a private dumping area by 42 Lower High StreetThis 'fly tipping' is in a conservation area,( not the ownership of 42 Lower High Street) Biffa rightly will not take it away. The owners of 42 Lower High Street should be charged with fly tipping. It is unsightly and possibly a health hazard.

Council ref: 1659762

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