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Huge line of deep dangerous potholes

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 12:09, Sun 9 June 2019

Sent to Torbay Borough Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 1653458.

On my way to work driving along the road which leads to paignton zoo from the main a38 road ( about 5 minutes before reaching the zoo). Approaching the brow of the hill was extreamly dangerous potholes. In the past this has cost me a drive shaft and a shock on an old classic car. Im reporting this today as i will not cover the cost of any damages to my car. I live in penzance and later today when i drive home if i experience anything odd with my car i demand the council pay the parts and labour bill. I couldn't take pictures due to the traffic and as im not from this area i cant give you tge exact location. Non the less im sure this has been reported by other road users.

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