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Parking in Crown Road

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 22:15, Tue 28 May 2019

Sent to Breckland District Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1642398.

Pub traffic uses my property and that of my neighbour for parking. This restricts my view when turning right out of my drive into unseen oncoming traffic. Please define boundaries in Crown Road so that I can introduce posts to maintain a southerly sightline between parked vehicles and hedge.

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  • Please provide confirmation that I can position 6 inch posts on the edge of the property belonging to myself and my neighbour such that a sight line can be maintained between the hedge and any vehicle parked on the edge of the road.

    Posted anonymously at 14:21, Fri 7 June 2019

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 14:23, Wed 26 June 2019

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