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Neighbours blocking people in

Reported in the Car parking category anonymously at 10:51, Thu 23 May 2019

Sent to Leeds City Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1637886.

I live in a cul de sac with public parking, there are no dropped down curbs and no driveways, I believe this means that people can park wherever there is a space available? There are a few neighbours who believe that they have there own designated parking space and have now started to block people in when they park in ‘their’ space. I do try to avoid parking in the spaces they believe to be theirs but sometimes there are no other spaces available and the only other option would be to park on a main road, I usually have my toddler with me so this would be quite dangerous for him. I guess my question is, ‘Is it possible for the council to contact these people and advise them that they do not have a designated parking space and that I am legally allowed to park anywhere in the cul de sac?’

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