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Camber in road

Reported via iOS in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 12:27, Mon 8 April 2019

Sent to Tower Hamlets Borough Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1597404.


It’s sad to say this is the second time I am having to report this.

I am a motorcyclist rider and on my commute to and from London I have had many near misses due to the camber in the road, in addition when I use the bus it suddenly dips causing discomfort and many times I’ve observed pushchairs and elderly people falling over. It’s the same case on the opposite side of the road adjacent to the west bound bus stop.

This was raised as a priority but no feedback was given after this, can I please suggest this part of the road is looked at and repaired as a matter of urgency.

Thank You.

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