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Yellow lines Norfolk Gardens

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 11:00, Mon 25 March 2019

Sent to West Sussex County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 1583008.

Good morning! on behalf of East Beach Residents' Association I have written to highways in the past to request double yellow lines on the right hand side on the corner into Norfolk Gardens housing estate. The reason being that when cars are parked on both sides of the road it makes it impossible for the Fire and Rescue Fire Engines to pass, thus causing a possible disaster should a fire occur past that point. The road in Norfolk Place has very recently been re-surfaced (a nice job! - but needs to be finished off incidentally), and I notice that the yellow lines are still to be re-instated here. Would it be possible please, at the same time, to put the double yellow lines around the right hand bend of Norfolk Gardens estate approach, for a distance of about 20-30 feet or so from the corner into the estate, to prevent the double parking that occurs here? Thank you.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:22, Tue 23 April 2019

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